I made a course with 24 Units but we could make it with 12 (2 units per class)
There are 2 kinds of units. One with Grammar exercises and one with Vocabulary exercises. They are: One Grammar one, one Vocabulary one, etc. And there is a review after 6 units. I'll show you only 6 units.These are them:
1 Regular Events
Grammar: Present simple active & passive; frequency expressions; present continuous.
2 Around the house
Vocabulary: Labour -- saving devices
Reading activity: Snow house3 Past Events
Talking about past events and actions; saying when things happened.
Grammar: Past simple and continuous; past time expressions; subject & object questions; past simple passive4 Money
Vocabulary: cost and value; using money; expenses, bills & taxes
Reading activity: Game: Can you make a million?5 Obligation
Obligation and permission in the present and past; freedom from obligation
Grammar: (don't) have to; (not) allowed to; can('t); make & let; freedom from obligation structures.6 On Holiday
Vocabulary: types of holiday; holiday activities; holiday equipment.
Reading activity: Culture Shock