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Grade: Elementary
Subject: other
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My State of the UnionProject for 4th Grade Media Skills Class
Teacher Notes: (Length of project may have to be adjusted depending on how long it takes students to do each section. Times are based on 35 minute class periods.)
Standard Addressed:
Demonstrates an understanding of various information sources to collect, analyze and present information.Benchmarks Addressed:
*Recognizes and uses both print and nonprint sources of information.
*Initiates appropriate search strategies using both print and nonprint resources.
*Beings evaluation of sources of information for appropriateness and accuracy.Learner Performance Goals Addressed:
*Quality Producer
*Sets goals for his/her productivity
*Takes responsibility for results
*Uses appropriate resources/technology
*Effective Communicator
*Expresses ideas clearly
*Listens effectively
*Interprets verbal and non-verbal communication
*Cooperative/Collaborative Worker
*Demonstrates interactive communication
*Monitors own behavior in a group
*Assesses and manages group functioning
*Self-Directed Learner
*Puts forth effort
*Organized--sets priorities and achieves goalsComplex Thinking Skill
*Constructing Support
*Decision MakingAssessment: Students will be able to:
*Navigate on the Internet
*Use print references to research a state
*Inform others of what they learned through their research
Up to this point in the media skills curriculum, the 4th grade students have been introduced to search strategies using various print references such as encyclopedias, almanacs, and nonfiction books. We will now begin to include searching nonprint resources such as films, videos, and the Internet.
Several weeks before the state project actually starts, students will do part one. After having a group assigned and choosing a state from a list provided, students will compose a letter to send to their state requesting information. They will also send an e-mail request for tourist information.Day 1:
A. Discuss what the project involves. Explain checklist.
B. Show the sample letter so students have an idea of what to request.
C. Students compose a letter with their group. Turn in to be corrected.Day 2:
A. Students make corrections on their letters.
B. Type letter in the computer lab. Save to a disk. Take turns doing the typing so everyone is involved.
C. Students locate address to send letter. (Possible sources to use are the almanac, state books, vertical file information)Day 3:
A. Print letter and address envelope.
B. Show students how to open the Internet. This will be done with the multimedia cart with the teacher navigating at this point.
C. Once Internet is open, show students how to locate bookmarks.
D. Have students practice in small groups.Day 4:
A. Take students to high school to use the Internet in the lab.
B. State Home Pages need to be bookmarked so that students will be able to locate them to find out if they can send an e-mail message to their state.
C. Once they have found their page, they will locate whether or not they can send away for free travel information. The teacher will do this.At this point, other media center skills and activities will be worked on while we wait for students to receive information.
After the information has been received we will come back to this project to complete. Groups of students will be working on different parts of the project at different times because of computer access. If possible we will visit the high school computer lab for Internet access for our Internet question sheet.Day 1:
A. Reintroduce the state project. Remind students of the purpose of the project (to convince other students that their state is the best place to go for a vacation.)
B. Check to see who has received information.
C. Explain the rest of the checklist and requirements. Have students follow along as you explain.
D. Explain schedule of Internet use and video viewing.
E. Remind students about how to use the print resources.
F. Go over requirements for the presentation.Day 2 through 5
A. Students will be engaged in a variety of activities using a variety of print and nonprint resources.
B. As students finish researching, they will begin putting their presentation together.Days 6 and 7
A. Work on putting presentation together. All students in a group should be involved in putting the presentation together and later presenting it.
B. Rehearse because you will be presenting over the ICN. Before presenting project, students will be introduced to the ICN room and will practice using the equipment.Days 8 and 9
A. Students will present in the ICN room. Each presentation will be no more than 5 to 6 minutes long.
B. After each group has presented their programs, students from the other site will vote on which state they would like to visit, based on the information presented.
My State of the Union ProjectYou will be working in a group of 3 to 4 students to research a state chosen from a list provided. You will be using various print and nonprint reference materials to find information about your state. Using this information, you will create a presentation to present to students over the ICN network. Using the information you have gathered, you will try to convince your viewers that your state is a great place go to for a vacation.
As you work through your project, place a check mark in the blank before each item as you complete it. This will help keep you on track. We will have 4 class periods to complete your letter and e-mail requests for information. We will have 5-6 classes to complete your research and 2 class periods to prepare for your presentation. Your presentation will be no more than 5 to 6 minutes in length. After all presentations have been made, we will ask the viewers to select their favorite state for vacation. Each student will get one vote.
Part 1:
_____ Compose a letter to your state requesting free information about your state.
_____ Type your letter in the computer lab. Work together. Spell check and save your letter on a disk. Use the sample letter provided to see how your letter should look.
_____ Have your teacher check your work.
_____ Print your letter on letterhead stationary.
_____ Hand your letter into be mailed.
_____ Locate your state's web site on the Internet. Look under the bookmarks to locate the site you need. Look for a way to send for free information. Notify your teacher so that this can be done.
Part 2: (During your worktime, please remember that you are trying to convince your viewers to come to your state for vacation. Use your time wisely.)
_____ Use the following print materials to research places of interest in your state. Use the worksheets provided for each type of book.
_____ A. Encyclopedia worksheet
_____ B. State Book Worksheet
_____ C. Tourist information from vertical file or from the information you have received from your state.
_____ Watch the film or video provided about your state. Write a paragraph about your state using the information from the video. Please try to find different information from what you have found in your other sources.
_____ On the Internet, locate the bookmark US States. Using this site, fill out the Internet Question Grid._____ On the Internet, locate the bookmark for your state's home page from the list
provided. Look through your state's web site. You are looking for information that you can use to convince your classmates to come to your state for their vacation.Now that you have located all of your research, you will need to create your presentation. We will present these to students using the ICN room. Remember, they will be able to see you over this network so you can show pictures of places of interest. Make your presentation entertaining as well as informative. Be convincing. You really want your viewers to visit this state. All students in the group will need to present part of the presentation. Rehearse! Rehearse!
Sample State Letter
June 16, 1999
Alaska Chamber of Commerce
310 Second Street
Juneau, Alaska 99801Dear Sir or Madam:
My name is Pat Shutters and I am in fourth grade in Reinbeck, Iowa. We are writing state reports in my media center class. As part of our report, we are writing to the states to request free information to use in our report. We are interested in information about places to visit in your state.
Thank-you very much for your cooperation.
Pat Shutters
Reinbeck Elementary School
300 Cedar Street
Reinbeck, Iowa 50669*
State Home Page Guide
Our State is _______________________________
DIRECTIONS: On the Internet, locate the bookmark for your
state's home page. Use the list provided to find out your state's address. Look through your state's web site. You
are looking for any information you can use to convince
your friends to come to this state for their vacation. You
have 10 minutes for this activity. Work quickly and
efficiently. List anything you think might be useful.__________________________________________________________
Film or Video Guide
Our State is _______________________________
DIRECTIONS: Watch the film or video provided about your state.
Write a paragraph about your state using the information
from the video. Use different information from what you
have gathered before. Remember you need information to
convince your classmates to come to this state.__________________________________________________________
Using the World Book Encyclopedia, locate your state information. Write a paragraph explaining what the land is like in your state. You might want to include such things as important rivers, mountain ranges, etc. Remember, what the land is like might influence what activities are available in this state.
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States
Once you have found your state in this series of books, write a paragraph about the climate in your state and why it would make this state a good place to visit. The climate might influence the activities that take place in this state.__________________________________________________________
Tourist Information
Using the tourist information you have received from your state (or the information from the vertical file or encyclopedia if you did not receive any), make a list of the places you think your viewers would like to visit and why. Describe these places as best you can.
Resources:State Web Sites
State of Arkansas http://www.state.ar.us
State of Colorado http://www.state.co.us
State of Connecticut http://www.state.ct.us
State of Kansas http://www.state.ks.us
State of Louisiana http://www.state.la.us
State of Massachusetts http://www.state.ma.us
State of Nebraska http://www.state.ne.us
State of New Hampshire http://www.state.nh.us
State of South Carolina http://www.state.sc.us
State of Wyoming http://www.state.wy.usOther Web Sites
Information Please http://www.infoplease.comPrint Resources
World Book Encyclopedia
Let's Discover the States series
Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States
Brochures received from the statesVideo Resources (North American GeoQuest series)
Great Lakes Region (055170)
Mid-Atlantic Regions (055167)
Midwest Region (055162)
Mississippi River Region (055169)
Mountain West Region (055173)
New England Region (055171)
Pacific Region (055166)
Southeast Region (055168)
Southwest Region (055163)