Grade: other
Subject: other

#928. Internet Scavenger Hunt

other, level: other
Posted Fri Jun 18 09:38:53 PDT 1999 by Debra Shoopman (
Jewett Elementary Waterloo Schools, Evansdale Iowa USA
Materials Required: Computer with internet capability & Scavenger Hunt Guide
Activity Time: 1 to 3 hours
Concepts Taught: Increase the comfort level of non computer literate adults in using the internet

Internet Scavenger Hunt
A self-directed trip to selected web sites on the Internet

You've finally decided that you're ready to explore the Internet, but how do you start and where do you go? Each section of the Scavenger Hunt is self-contained. Spend as much time exploring each site as you choose. As you finish each section you can go immediately to the next section or take a break and come back to it at another time.

Navigational Aids
Cursor use As the cursor moves over the page it will change shape. Each time that it changes shape what it is capable of doing changes. Shape and capability varies with the software & computer being used.

To scroll through a page place the cursor , which becomes an arrow, on the square in the far right hand column. Click on the square and while holding down on the mouse button drag it towards the bottom. As you do so the page will scroll down. This will work in reverse if you want to move the page up. When the page is where you want it let go of the button on the mouse.

To move back to view a previous screen move to the upper left corner. There will be an arrow with the word back underneath. This can be clicked on to move back through the screens. You can stop at any screen and explore a different topic.

A Uniform Resource locator (URL) is the Internet Address. Each one is unique and case sensitive (Capital or small letters). They do follow a pattern. .com Commercial .edu Educational
.org Non-profits K-12 Education
.gov Government .net Internet Resource
Section I: The Waterloo Schools
Waterloo Community Schools (Internet Address URL)

Scroll through the entire Waterloo Community Schools Home Page. Notice the 6 sections, which include:
Our Schools Calendar
Mission/Goals/Policies Offices' Directory
Career Opportunities Resources
As you move your cursor over the page, it becomes a hand when it is on a link. Click on Our Schools. Notice at the bottom of the page, when this section was updated. The schools that have a link to their own home page are printed in another color. Choose a school with their own home page and explore it.

Section II: Homework Help
Homework CENTRAL (Internet Address URL)

At this site you will move through several screens making a choice at each site. This will move you from a general category to a very specific topic.
Scan the home page. Notice the three age categories that you can choose from. Click on 1st to 6th grades . Choose a topic that you would like to explore. Continue to move through the screens until you reach the specific item that you have chosen. Read the description provided. If you would like, go back and explore an additional topic.
Section III. Time Magazine for Kids
TIME FOR KIDS (Internet Address URL)

Notice that Time magazine maintains this web site. Scan the Home Page, particularly paying attention to the paragraphs at the bottom that address privacy. This is important if you choose to respond to the article. Click on cover story, read it and consider the facts presented. At the end of the page you have the option of e-mailing your comments on the article to the magazine.


Section IV: Explore Waterloo
The City of Waterloo
(Internet Address URL)

Scan the Home Page. Notice the many departments that are listed on the screen to choose from. On the left hand side Click on City Guide A to Z . Scroll through this section which lists items of interest about Waterloo in alphabetical order. Remember that words printed in a different color will provide a link to another web site. Identify a site that you or family members would like to learn more about. Explore that site and plan an activity for you or your family.


Section V: Exploring a Search Engine
YAHOO! (Internet Address URL)

This site will help you use a Search Engine to search the world wide web for information on a variety of topics. Get ready to determine the market value of a vehicle. This activity will move you through a series of screens, where you will make choices. Each choice will open up a new screen. This will move you from a general topic to a more specific one.
Scan the Home Page. Under Recreation & Sports in the middle column click on Autos. At the top of the page click Yahoo! Autos Under Car Guides select the make of the vehicle. Under Used Model Pricing & Information select the year of the vehicle.and then select the model. Scan the page to determine the value of your vehicle. This could be used to determine the value of a vehicle that you are interested in buying or selling.
