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Grade: Elementary
Subject: Reading/Writing
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I letter ideas*Inchworms
Have the children cut an egg carton in half lengthwise. Have the children use green tempera
paint and paint the half of carton green. Decorate with markers, paint, stickers. Add pipe cleaners
for antennae and buttons for eyes.*Igloos
Have the children color or paint igloos on dark construction paper. Ask them to draw someone
beside the igloo. Have the children tell little stories about their igloos.*Icicles
Have the children pretend to be icicles as they move about on the play area. Choose someone
to be the sun. When the sun touches someone, he or she must "melt" and fall down, laying very
Play music and have the children move as inchworms on all fours. Show them to move like an
inchworm, they sould move their arms first, making their bodies go down, then their bodies arch
up as the move their feet forward.*Ice Cream
If possible, make home made ice cream and have the children help measure the ingredients.
*6 Eggs (whipped real good)
*2 Good Cups Sugar
*2 Tbl. Vanilla- - - - - -Mix well, then add...
*1 Qt. Cream
*1 Qt. Milk (not quite 1 quart)*Roll-the-Can-Ice-Cream
This frozen treat is really child's play (fun for grown-ups too).
Supplies -
For the freezer you need:
two empty cans - a 1-lb and a 3-lb with plastic lids 1 1/2 cups of rock or
kosher salt 20 cups( about 7 1/2 lbs) of crushed ice
For the ice cream you need:
1 cup heavy cream 1 cup milk 1 beaten egg (optional) 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp
vanilla 1/3 cup of chocolate chipsIn the small can mix cream, milk, beaten egg, sugar, vanilla, and chocolate
chips. If you use the egg, be sure it is fresh and has no cracks. Uncooked
eggs can cause food poisoning. Cover the small can and set in the center of
the larger can. Layer half the crushed ice alternately with half the salt in
the empty space between the cans. Cover the larger can. Now the fun begins:
Choose a hard level surface like a cement walk way and roll the can back and
forth for about 10 minutes. Open outer can; empty old ice and water, lift out
small can; wipe lid dry and remove. With a rubber spatula scrape ice cream
from can sides. Stir and cover. Return small can. Repack with remaining ice
and salt. Cover and roll for 5 more minutes.* ZIP-LOC BAG ICE CREAM
You will need:For each child
1 pint-size zip-type plastic bag
1 gallon-size zip-type plastic bag
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoon salt(regular table salt that pours will work)
Fill the large bag half full of ice.Add the salt.Seal the bag.Put
milk,vanilla,& sugar into the small bag.Seal it.Place the small bag inside the large one & seal again
Shake until mixture is ice cream,about 5 minutes.Wipe off top of small
bag.Then open carefully & enjoy!Students will make ice cream in plastic bags so they can observe the process
of the liquid changing to a solid.*The Letter "I"
I stands for me when I want it to,
I is for ink and for ice cream too.
I is such a simple letter,
There's no other that I like better.*BUILD AN INSECT
2 celery sticks (body)
6 carrot sticks (legs)
2 licorice sticks ( antennae)
2 raisins*Insect Hunting:
What you will need for a bug hunt:
A keen eye
Clean, clear containers with air holes or netting on tip. (empty yogurt
containers work well)
trowel, or large spoon to collect specimens
Notebook to write down and sketch the insects you find
an overripe banana and a spoon full of brown sugar
Magnifying glass (optional)
Microscope (optional)
for nightime bug hunting: all of the above plus a flashlight.* Make egg carton inchworms--move like an inchworm
* Measure the height of something in inches
* Read Let's Find Out About Ice Cream (written by Mary Ebeltoft Reid, photos
by John Williams) & then make icecream--or just make icecream sundaes by
providing a variety of toppings* Talk about igloos--make them using marshmallows & a bit of water to make the
m stick together (or marshmallows with icing)* Talk about the illustrations in a book--have them draw their own
illustrations for the icecream story* Talk about American Indians--Make an Indian drum out of an oatmeal box,
make an Indian vest & headband out of a grocery bag* Drink Ice tea
* Play with ice at water table (see Summer file for more ice play!)
* burn an incense
* instruments (See Let's Make Music! file for making your own instruments)
* food that starts with letter I
Ice, ice cream, ice tea, italian bread
*A great idea for the letter I is iron sandwiches. It's basically grilled
cheese, but instead of putting it in a pan, you wrap it in wax paper and use
an iron with the kids to make the "grilled" sandwich. The kids love it!*ICE CREAM LINKS
Edy's Home Page
Dairy Council Ice Cream Page
Ice Cream/ Ice Cream Maker Page
Manitoba Museum: Ice cream
Ice Cream Snow Ice Cream
Ice Cream lesson
Ben and Jerry's Home Page*Ice cream - vanilla ice cream 1 pint of half and half cream
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup + 2 TBS sugar
Rock salt
Put ice cream ingredients in small ziplock freezer bag (I double bagged
these) and put ice and rock salt in large ziplock freezer bag. Place small
bag inside large and shake. Avoid hitting bag on table as bags will tear.
This should be enough for three bags of ice cream.*Ice cream - construction paper cones and different colored "scoops" of ice
cream*Ice cubes - two trays - one with blue food coloring
one with yellow food coloring
in a clear plastic cup, pour room temperature 7-up or other clear soda and
then drop ice cubes in*Insects - Insects make good pets. They do not require much space and are
easy to care for. Make an insect cage and catch an insect to observe.Here's a few feeding tips:
~Ants - drops of honey or bits of raw meat, apples and bananas.
~Grasshoppers - fruit and vegetables
~Praying Mantis - fruit flies
~Lady Bugs and Beetles - fruit and boiled potato
~Crickets - raw vegetables, fruit, dog biscuits and crackers
~Bees and Butterflies - should be set free to find flower nectar.All insects need water. Place a few drops of water on a leaf, inside the
cage, daily.(Be sure to see Insects and Other Small Critters file for more insect ideas)Make egg carton inchworms--move like an inchworm
Measure the height of something in inches
Read Let,s Find Out About Ice Cream (written by Mary Ebeltoft Reid, photos
by John Williams) & then make icecream--or just make icecream sundaes by
providing a variety of toppings
Talk about igloos--make them using marshmallows & a bit of water to make
them stick together
Talk about the illustrations in a book--have them draw their own
illustrations for the icecream story
Talk about American Indians--Make an Indian drum out of an oatmeal box, make
an Indian vest & headband out of a grocery bag* Letter I
Drink Ice tea
Play with ice at water table
eat ice cream or even make it'
burn an incense
ivyHelpful insect sites: