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I have a sweet second grader who is visually impaired. He has a condition that is degenerative. He will not get better. He is also losing his hearing and has hearing aides. He is in the regular second grade and has an aide(but not visually/hearing certified). She is doing her best to help me out with ideas how to help him in music but we are both out of ideas.

Does anyone have a similar situation? Any suggestions what I can do to keep including this boy in music?

I once had a blind student Before the year even started, the entire music text book series for the year was recreated in Braille, so she was able to read and follow along at least the words for all the songs we sang.

I was also supposed to submit all papers, etc ahead of time so that they could be Brailled for her.

On 10/16/14, anon wrote: > Hi > >...See More
Oct 16, 2014
Charlotte I have a completely blind student who is still learning to read Braille, so we haven't incorporated it into music very much. I frequently create tactile listening maps for him, using things like yarn or the rough part of velcro glued to a board. When he was in kindergarten and we were reading quarter note and quarter rest rhythms, I used velcro to ...See More
Oct 17, 2014

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