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I have a reasonably large room with NO storage. I got the maintenance people to build me some open shelves on one wall several years ago, and I store some instruments there. What I DO have is a large row of band shelves. You know, with 4-inch or 8-inch openings and over two feet deep. Not exactly the kind of storage I need in a primary school music room. I can't take them down or alter them. Right now I have stuff in them as organized as I can make it, with some small instruments in bins that fit and books in other areas. I put curtains up over them so that students would stop "helping" me by pushing the books all the way to the back of the shelves. I have zero storage for larger instruments aside from those (very full) shelves on the back wall. No closing/locking storage. Any brilliant storage ideas?
joyfulmusicteacher PVC pipe can be obtained in various diameters. Use Scrap Wood to plug one end and place your objects inside. Length can be cut to fit your special storage spaces. Worth a try.

You could also build some "pvc" holders for tubs, even put them on wheels...gotta be cheaper than buying cabinets.

Slider shelves can be obtained....See More
Feb 27, 2015
Charlotte Thanks for these great suggestions!
Mar 5, 2015

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