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How much do you depend on a textbook for designing lessons?
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Teacher Textbooks have a place. If you know very little history, primary sources alone you have nothing to fill in the gaps for your students. My history classes in college had textbooks that we had to read and were tested over. I add information to what is in the text to make history interesting.

On 3/21/13, Thank you. Thought maybe I'd awakened...See More
Mar 31, 2013
Jay Coles On 3/17/13, Working Hard wrote: > On 3/16/13, Point taken wrote: >> How much do you depend on a textbook for designing lessons? > > Because we have a strong literacy component in our state, we > need to read a lot. Most of my students come to me deficient > in reading. A lot of money is invested in texts and so I use > them...See More
Jun 22, 2013
Chris in MA Great question....I view the textbook as an integral part of social studies instruction. It is valuable as a resource, however it is a necessity in the day and age of common core and the future PARCC test. Students will have to be fairly savvy about how to read varying texts, including history ones.
Jun 24, 2013
Gianna my social studies teacher does not believe in using textbooks.He says that there can be many untrue stories and that he wants to know the real ones. he recommended to us to use the yale school resources its a great resource.
Oct 17, 2016
K I don't use the text because it so bad. I use materials created by another teacher which I feel are excellent. I also use choice boards and menus. The thing I am wondering about is how much support should I be giving the students when it is time for independent work. I haven't been assigning group work or pair work because the students do not compl...See More
Mar 6, 2017

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