Teachers.Net, The Teacher's on-line resource.
Dedicated to a cause...
At Teachers.Net we're committed to improving education through technology and collaborative support. Teachers.Net represents hundreds of thousands of the brightest and most forward-thinking educators on the planet, together we share an incredible potential to change the face of education.

In keeping with our goal of improving education through technology, Teachers.Net is actively seeking research and development partners who share our goals and objectives. From commercial enterprises seeking technical and promotional solutions to researchers of cutting edge theory and applications, each is encouraged to contact Teachers.Net to discuss possibilities for collaboration and advancement.

For more information, drop us a note with some background about your organization or research, and some of your goals for the future and how you think we might work together. Teachers.Net is a meeting place for tens of thousands of teachers every month, contact us if our teacher community is a solution to your research and development challenges.

Anthony Bott
Dir., Teachers.Net