For more information contact:
Kathleen Carpenter, Editor
E-Mail: kathleen@teachers.net
TEACHERS.NET GAZETTE ADDS eBOOK AUTHORING COLUMNSAN DIEGO, CA -- According to the newest Teachers.Net Gazette columnist, "There is a book inside every teacher and student waiting to come out!" Glenn Dietzel, president of Teacher eBooks http://www.teacherebooks.com, will show educators "how to get this book out" through his monthly columns in the popular webzine for educators, beginning with the March 2003 issue.
According to Dietzel, eBook technology provides many opportunities. "The fact that teachers and students can leave a written legacy affordably with eBook technology is becoming more appealing to educators. The idea that a profit can be achieved is an added benefit. The knowledge that students can become published authors at an early age, incorporating current literacy initiatives with technology, is an educator's and parent's dream."
The focus of Glenn Dietzel and Paul Jackson, partners in Teacher eBooks, is to foster an enthusiastic interest in eBooking as the communication method of the future. "Awaken the Author Within YOU!" is their trademark and they aim to help educators do that by means of the world's first educational e-Book e-course, their soon-to-be-released eBook Authoring Guide which will be available in print and electronic versions, and through their workshops. In each case they promote literacy and technology by providing the necessary attitudes, skills, and knowledge to assist educators and students in becoming eBook authors.
Dietzel asserts, "What educator has not thought about becoming a published author and showcasing their expertise to a global community? With the advent of eBook technology, it has never been easier for them to accomplish this."
Referring to eBooks as "a literacy initiative of immense importance," Dietzel says, "eBooks provide a unique forum for students to showcase their passions, talents, and personal experiences. Creativity, artistic abilities and a capacity to write, enhanced by eBooks, can work for students who wish to communicate to a global village of like-minded students."
According to Editor Kathleen Alape Carpenter the new Teachers.Net Gazette column will have a dual focus. "Educators will learn about the 10 steps involved in the eBook authoring process. The column will also focus on awakening the minds of educators to the benefits of eBook technology for students. Glenn Dietzel's monthly articles will offer a synthesis of background information, reflection, goal setting, and writing as the foundation for this unique authoring journey."
Proponents say that eBook technology will broaden and enhance tremendously the efficiency and experience of reading, for educators and students alike, with video, sound effects, animation and access to key related Internet sites. Reading an historical novel will be enhanced by the addition of music from the period and key background information about the setting. Reading a "how-to" book will provide instruction not previously possible due to the ability to provide animated and 3-D simulations. "Books come to life with these capabilities," Dietzel says.
"Reading a book through special software will help students read better," Dietzel points out. "For example, simply changing the font size can help overcome a reading difficulty. Imagine listening to your favorite book on your MP3 Player while walking your dog."
The three features of an eBook that are carrying it to the forefront of common usage are portability, interactivity, and versatility. eBooks are:
- Portable, easily transmitted, stored and shared in real time via download, email, cd-rom or diskette. Information can be transmitted at the speed of light.
- Versatile-Knowledge can be easily updated with changes being made seamlessly.
- Interactive-Readers are more completely engaged in the learning experience. Engagement means greater retention, increased motivation and a greater sense of control over one's learning.
Each column will bring the reader closer to becoming an eBook author, and will assist teachers in enticing students to work with this new form of reading and writing.
The Teachers.Net Gazette has supported the education community since March 2000. All back issues are available at http://teachers.net/gazette/backissues while the current issue is always posted at http://teachers.net/gazette.