For more information contact:
Kathleen Carpenter, Editor
E-Mail: kathleen@teachers.net
Teachers.Net Chatroom Exchange Reveals SARS OutbreakSAN DIEGO, CA -- Teachers.Net and educator Catherine Strommen became high-tech links in the chain of people and events that cracked the Chinese government's tight lid on its emerging SARS epidemic. When a chatter from China logged on in the Teachers.Net chatroom early in 2003 describing a "terrible sickness" in his city, fellow chatter Catherine Strommen immediately contacted an epidemiologist friend. This set in motion a chain of events that resulted in bringing a SARS outbreak to the attention of the World Health Organization.
The article, "Teachers.Net Chatroom Exchange Reveals SARS Outbreak" is the cover story in the June issue of the Teachers.Net Gazette monthly webzine and can be accessed through http://teachers.net/gazette/JUN03.
The Teachers.Net Gazette hosts articles by internationally known experts in the field of education alongside those contributed by classroom practitioners. First published online in March 2000, the Gazette has grown to become possibly the most respected and popular, one-of-a-kind source of news, practical tips, teaching theory, classroom printables, crafts, recipes, inspiration, humor, commentary and other information of interest gathered in one place for teachers and school administrators on the World Wide Web.
All back issues of the Teachers.Net Gazette remain available at http://teachers.net/gazette/backissues.
For additional information about the Teachers.Net Gazette, write to Editor Kathleen Alape Carpenter at editor@teachers.net.