FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 17, 1999
For more information contact:
Bob Reap, Co-Director (858-272-3274)
Teachers.Net http://teachers.net/
SAN DIEGO, CA -- The Teachers.Net Archive is THE place to read about topics of interest to educators everywhere. One of the teacher mega-site's most heavily used resources, the Teachers.Net Archive at http://teachers.net/archive allows teachers to log on and read transcripts of the live sessions Teachers.Net presents virtually every night Monday through Friday. From discussions about grant-writing, non-competitive games, using scanners, tips on self-publishing, fund raising ideas, to an interview with Dr. Howard Gardner of Multiple Intelligences Theory fame, there is something for every educator who visits Teachers.Net.
Visitors are flocking to the sprawling online support system for educators from all over the country and around the globe. Tens of thousands of teachers and school administrators rely upon the busy schedule of real time discussions for a hefty portion of their independent professional development efforts. After perusing the monthly calendar of offerings at http://www.teachers.net/chat/meetings.html, educators plan to join the meetings as they occur, or, if a busy schedule prevents live participation, to log on to the Archives within a day or two to read the transcript.
The Teachers.Net Archives section is organized into twenty categories, including grade levels, interviews with authors and illustrators, 4-blocks Literacy Model, Computers and Technology, Reading Recovery, Joh Hunting Tips, Six Traits Writing, Substitute Teachers, Beginning and Student Teachers, Focus Sessions, ESL/Foreign Language, Administrators, Hot Topics, Travel Topics, Book Talks, Special Education, Multiple Intelligences, and School House Views with moderator school psychologist/author Beth Bruno. Transcripts of interviews with experts in the field of education such as Howard Gardner, early childhood specialist Samuel Meisels, literacy expert Pat Cunningham and NASSP Executive Director Gerald Tirozzi are contained within relevant categories.
Teachers.Net leads the way on the Internet in the effort to provide mentoring support for busy educators in easy to access formats. Site Co-Director Anthony Bott, Ed.D. says, "Educators are constantly under pressure to improve skills and keep up with current trends and research related to education. They know what they need, and we at Teachers.Net are determined to provide what busy educators desire for cutting edge, self-directed professional development."