For more information contact:
Bob Reap (breap@teachers.net; 619-272-3274)
Teachers.Net http://teachers.net/
SAN DIEGO, CA -- Teachers.Net today announced the findings from a world-wide Internet teacher survey conducted this winter on the Teachers.Net website. The data show that experienced teachers and newer teachers are equally taking up the challenge of the Internet, and that todays teachers are predominantly connecting at home to the Internet.
Teachers seem to be exploring Internet technology more at home than in the schools. According to the study, teachers reported that 79% of their schools were on-line, yet only 36% had Internet access in the classroom. A full 92% of teachers in the survey had Internet access from home.
More than half of the teachers surveyed connect to the Internet on a daily basis. 57% of the respondents accessed the Internet at least once a day, and another 26% accessed it more than once a week. Teachers also reported average time spent on-line at home and school. Of teachers who accessed the Internet at school, most connected less than 30 minutes. However, about two thirds of teachers who accessed the Internet from home reported spending more than 30 minutes on-line each day, and 30% reported to spend over one hour on-line each day.
The survey also studied the experience level of the on-line teachers. Over 85% of the respondents reported to be full- or part-time teachers, another 7% identified themselves as students. Teacher experience was also reported, almost half in the survey had been teaching 10 years or more. Over two thirds of the on-line teachers had been teaching five years or more.
Demographic data was collected too, over 90% of those studied lived in the United States, with the largest numbers coming from California and Texas (8% each). Every state had a representative reponse, and 7% of those surveyed lived outside the US.