FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - November 6, 2002
For more information contact:
Kathleen Carpenter, Director of Promotions
E-Mail: kathleen@teachers.net
November Teachers.Net Gazette Offers Something for Every Educator
SAN DIEGO, CA -- The November issue of the Teachers.Net Gazette is online, serving up a broad array of more than 50 articles for educators of all grades and levels. Whether it's classroom recipes, commentary on education, crafts, classroom management, stress relief, teacher timesavers, printables, humor or practical tips, teachers and school administrators will find it, and much more, in this month's edition of the popular ed-zine at http://teachers.net/gazette/NOV02.
Internationally known author and speaker Harry K. Wong's monthly "Effective Teaching" column offers specific and savvy advice for new and veteran teachers looking for classroom management procedures that will work in any classroom. This month, Dr. Marvin Marshall's "Promoting Learning" column provides suggestions for motivating students. Marjan Glavac recommends five web sites for teachers of grades 4-8.
Joining the lineup of columns for the first time this month is Esme Codell's "Postcard from Planet Esme." The vivacious and inspiring Codell, author of the bestseller, Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher's First Year, will write monthly about news from the world of children's books. On a similar theme is an article about the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, opening later in November.
"Education's Rotten Apples" by Alfie Kohn will provoke reflection upon the state of education in the U.S. Ginny Hoover provides advice for those "Dealing with Back Stabbers and Happy Haters" while Joy Jones offers "Peace." Other topics include, "Thinking About Your Curriculum with 4 Blocks Literacy," "The Benefits of Homework," "Keyboarding," "Mathematics Through Play," "Middle School Math," and dozens of others.
Hap Palmer, the pied piper of music for the youngest folk, writes about "The Music, Movement, and Learning Connection." As Thanksgiving approaches, a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe offers, "Teaching Children About Native Americans - How Teachers Can Avoid Promoting Stereotypes." There is a humor section devoted to "The Lighter Side of Teaching," a month's worth of inspirational quotes, and a calendar of fun and funky "Special Days" for November...helpful to those who need fillers for faculty and district newsletters.
One of the newer offerings in the Teachers.Net Gazette, "Free Printables," offers teachers the opportunity to print out an alphabet book, a colorful alphabet phonics chart, and a turkey glyph for use in their classrooms. Another new feature is Classroom Photos, allowing teachers a peek into the school environments of colleagues from all over.
All back issues from March 2000 through the past month are online at http://teachers.net/gazette/backissues.
Sign up to receive the Teachers.Net Gazette by e-mail through http://teachers.net/mailrings or through the form in each issue.