Kathleen Carpenter, Director of Promotions
October Webzine Offers Support and Classroom Tips for Teachers and School Administrators
SAN DIEGO, CA -- The October edition of the monthly Teachers.Net Gazette webzine for teachers and school administrators is now online at http://teachers.net/gazette/OCT02. The latest issue of the Gazette features articles on classroom management, discipline, literacy instruction, Internet security, writing instruction, tips for parent teacher conferencing, using technology in the classroom and much more. Again headlining the Gazette is an Effective Teaching article by Harry K. Wong, internationally known and respected classroom mangement author and expert.
This month's cover article provides stunning photography and information for teachers who wish to sign up for Operation Ruby Throat, a hummingbird migration study project conducted online.
Readers will also find an interview with the U.S. Coast Guard officer who is coordinating the Internet project connected with Operation Deep Freeze. The Teachers.Net affiliation with Operation Deep Freeze will enable teachers and students to send questions and receive e-mail reports from Antarctica during the U.S. Coast Guard presence there during the winter months.
Other features this month include classroom arts and crafts, recipes, a chapter from Dear Old Golden Rule Days by Janet Farquahar, pumpkin math and writing, learning center ideas, help with science instruction, inspirational quotes, calendar of special days, an October poem, book review, and humor.
Educators can also view classroom photos submitted by teachers showing seating arrangements, learning centers, bulletin boards, and decor. The Featured Schools section displays several exterior photos and basic information about schools submitted by a member of the faculty.
Established in March 2000, the Teachers.Net Gazette is published monthly. All back issues are available through links in the current issue or by going to http://teachers.net/gazette/backissues.