For more information contact:
Kathleen Carpenter, Director of Promotions
Teachers.Net http://teachers.net/
SAN DIEGO, CA -- Teachers.Net announces an impressive line-up of interesting and informative guests, including internationally known Multiple Intelligences theorist Dr. Howard Gardner, during its September online sessions. Teachers.Net offers live professional development and chat meetings on most Monday through Thursday evenings year-round, offering topics of interest to the many thousands of teachers and school administrators who use the site each day. The schedule includes expert guests as well as peer-moderated discussions.
The September "Back to School" calendar of events at Teachers.Net features Dr. Gardner on September 28 discussing his book, Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences in the Twenty First Century, due to be released by Basic Books in September. Also, Dr. Samuel Meisels appears on September 21, discussing the Work Sampling System for assessment. On September 7 literacy expert and author Dr. Pat Cunningham will field questions about her 4-Blocks Literacy program. September 13 features a return visit by children's author/illustrator Joan Holub who will discuss her craft and recently published books. Dr. Gerald Tirozzi, Executive Director of the National Association for Secondary School Principals and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education has confirmed an appearance at Teachers.Net on Tuesday, September 14.
The above sessions are scheduled for 9:00-10:00 p.m. ET in the Teachers.Net Conference Room at http://teachers.net/conference. Other meetings are held in the Meeting Room: http://teachers.net/meetings. They include weekly meetings for Early childhood/primary level educators on Tuesday evenings and monthly chat sessions for elementary/middle school educators, substitute teachers, student and beginning teachers, and teachers of Reading Recovery. Once each month school psychologist/columnist Beth Bruno moderates a session about current topics in education. Transcripts of live sessions are available in the popular archive at http://teachers.net/archive.
Information about scheduled sessions is available through the "Live Meetings" link on the Teachers.Net homepage at http://teachers.net. Those wishing more information may contact Kathleen Carpenter, Director of Promotions and Professional Development by e-mail at kathleen@teachers.net.
Educators can be informed about all Teachers.Net live events via e-mail by subscribing to the free events mailing at http://teachers.net/mailrings. Dozens of e-mail discussion groups are also available through the mailrings page, free to anyone interested in reading or participating in dialog with peers in the field of education.