For more information contact:
Tony Bott (tony@teachers.net; 310-453-6175)
Bob Reap (breap@teachers.net)
Teachers.Net http://teachers.net/
LOS ANGELES, CA -- Teachers.Net, a major online resource for educators will be represented at the White House Internet Summit in Los Angeles on June 12, 1998. Tony Bott and Bob Reap, co-creators and directors of the popular two year old site, accepted an invitation to participate in the Summit to participate in discussion on the topic of "Overcoming Barriers To The School Market" and to assist in software and computer demonstrations.
Sponsored by the Clinton Administration and EC2--The Annenberg Incubator Project at the University of Southern California, the Summit will focus on topics related to the theme "Digital Media Content For Children and Teens". Vice President Al Gore is expected to address the conference.
According to Summit spokesperson Henrietta Elmore-Smith, this conference is designed to showcase the positive side of children and teens interacting with new media. Panel discussions, speaker sessions, breakout sessions, and continuous demos will shape the event.
Teachers.net (http://teachers.net) has become a major presence on the Internet, serving up information to educators from all over the world during more than 4,000 user sessions every day. In addition to more than two dozen forums ("chatboards") and numerous tools for navigating and using the Internet, Teachers.Net offers many live meetings and discussions on topics of interest to teachers and administrators. Based in San Diego, the site was established in 1996 with the goal of assisting teachers through technology and the Internet. Teachers.net has helped teachers create more than 20,000 webpages, has hosted over 15,000 unique chat topics, and has served in excess of 5 million webpages to educators around the world.
Teachers.Net has been recognized by the LA Times, TEACHER Magazine, NEA Today, and other major publications.