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SAN DIEGO, CA --The monthly Teachers.Net Gazette, online at http://teachers.net/gazette features million selling author Harry Wong who, with his educator wife Rosemary, offers readers practical tips for new and veteran teachers seeking to refine classroom management skills and become more effective educators.
Wong's book, The First Days of School has sold over a million copies and Harry Wong is one of the most sought after speakers on the education circuit. The book is considered by many teachers, teacher-trainers, and school administrators a must-have manual. In their monthly articles for the Teachers.Net Gazette, Harry and Rosemary Wong tap their personal experiences as classroom teachers and advise educators on topics ranging from how to apply for a position to setting the standards for the entire school year during the first five minutes of class.
In their December article, "It's Not the Students. It's the Teacher," the Wongs present a frank discussion about the real cause of student behaviors that get in the way of teaching and learning.
"...The problem is not inner city, poverty, minority, the administration, and negative veteran teachers...The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, not poverty - it is the effectiveness of the teacher." The Wongs observe that, "helping students to learn and practice a new classroom procedure is a complex process" then go on to provide very specific guidelines about how to model, observe, coach, acknowledge, practice, and reinforce appropriate student behaviors.
Harry and Rosemary Wong are prolific in their outreach to teachers seeking the most refined classroom management skills possible. Their articles have appeared monthly in the Teachers.Net Gazette since June, 2000 and remain accessible at http://teachers.net/gazette/backissues.