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CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT GURU HARRY WONG LAUDSSAN DIEGO, CA -- Classroom management guru and author of a million-selling manual for teachers, Harry Wong acknowledges good news about the effectiveness of teachers in the January issue of the Teachers.Net Gazette, published online at With his wife, co-author and educator Rosemary, Wong writes:
"We don't know the last time someone thanked you for choosing teaching as a profession. So just in case no has told you lately, 'Thank you.' We know that there are many shortcomings and challenges facing educators, but ...let's look at some data as to why teachers are to be respected, valued, and thanked."
In the article, "The Miracle of Teachers," the Wongs cite data which they say proves that "what teachers do is nothing short of a miracle that humbles and inspires us all." Their evidence includes the following:
- Standardized achievement test scores are at record highs and fourth grade students in the U.S. are outperforming their counterparts in most other countries.
- More high school students are taking advanced courses in mathematics and science than at any other time
- Black and Hispanic children are doing better than ever in public schools.
- A record-high 84.1% of people age 25 and older have at least a high school diploma, up from 83.4% in 1999, and 24.5% in 1940. Similarly, 25.6 % of people age 25 and older have four years or more of college compared to 4.6% in 1940.
- The dropout rate is at an all-time low of 11%, while the rates for graduation and college attendance are at an all-time high.
- America's graduate schools are the envy of the world.
- 3 million teachers contribute $1.2 billion to our economy. Today's teachers spend an average of more than $400 each year from their own pockets for school supplies and materials, though they are paid the lowest wages for teachers in the industrial world.
- U.S. teachers are the best-educated group of teachers ever in the history of American education Virtually all hold a bachelor's degree and almost half (45%) have a master's degree.
- The most common school crime is theft, not violence.
Generous in acknowledging what teachers are doing well, the Wongs are no strangers to success. In addition to being one of the most sought after speakers on the education circuit, Harry Wong has been awarded the Outstanding Secondary Teacher Award, the Science Teacher Achievement Recognition Award, the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award, and the Valley Forge Teacher's Medal. Rosemary was selected as one of California's first mentor teachers and has been awarded the Silicon Valley Distinguished Woman of the Year Award.
The Wongs can also take credit for the biggest selling self-published book in the field of education. The First Days of School, How To Be An Effective Teacher has sold more than 1.25 million copies and is now supplemented by a professional development video series. Rosemary serves as C.E.O. of Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
The Teachers.Net Gazette online magazine is a cooperative, monthly publication written by and for educators. Articles submitted by teachers mingle with columns contributed by luminaries from the field of education, including Harry and Rosemary Wong's monthly "Effective Teaching" feature. Back issues of The Gazette are available at