Post: Prep tests for smarter balance
    Posted by: ok on 5/03/14
    () Comments

    We are supposed to give that preliminary test for smarter
    balance in the next couple of weeks. We were given hundreds
    of pages copied from various sites on 1) the teachers admin
    system (somehow controlling all of the kids electronics), 2)
    the secure browser we need to install/uninstall on the kids
    ipad (yep, we are using ipads), and 3) the sign on for the
    test. It is hugely complicated and I can't even figure out
    if/where there is overlap in these things. Training was
    almost non-existant and we are just supposed to make it
    work. I envision a test day where no one gets anything to
    work. Has anyone else been there? Is there something I am
    missing in all of this?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Prep tests for smarter balance, 5/03/14, by ok.
  • Re: Prep tests for smarter balance, 5/04/14, by Anonymous.
  • Re: Prep tests for smarter balance, 5/07/14, by Cal-Kid.