Post: SoclSecurity in Calif. Along With STRS


    Posted on 6/04/16
    () Comments

    It's been a long while since I visited this subject and while I appreciate
    Laurence's explanation of the intention behind the onset of social
    security, I do believe there is inequity at hand. I know that my spouse,
    who is not STRS, would receive my STRS benefits upon my death, yet I
    may not collect benefits for his social security upon his death. Another
    quirky aspect is that if I am over 65 and still teaching, I may collect full
    spousal social security while receiving my STRS salary. The minute I
    retire, I go down to @$100.00 per month spousal social security benefits. Also, I vaguely remember that our legislators could "double dip." It seems
    unfair that we are selected to be denied social security through our
    spouses or for earning 40 quarters, while others are free of this law.
    Jes' sayin' --ET

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  • SoclSecurity in Calif. Along With STRS, 6/04/16, by ET.