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Volume 4 Number 1

Corks are popping! January is awards month in the world of children's literature. Esme Codell writes about contenders for the Caldecott award for best illustration in American children's literature, the Newbery for best writing, the Coretta Scott King award, and others...
Teachers.Net Again Joins NEA in a Seussian Reading Celebration! by Kathleen Alape Carpenter, Editor
New Tax Law Provides $250 Deduction for Educators by Kathleen Alape Carpenter, Editor
Maslow's Theory of Hierarchical Needs -- Alive and Well in the Classroom by Chuck Brickman
December 14th update from Operation Deep Freeze by LT. Marshall Branch
Editor's e-Picks - January Resources by Kathleen Alape Carpenter, Editor
A Time for Change by Bill Page
If We Want… by Bill Page
H.O.T.S. Activities for Use With the Classroom Word Wall by Michelle Stankevicius
Mid-Year Mark: Closing the Curriculum Gap for ESL Teachers by Jen Cullerton Johnson
Writing Tips for Teachers by Joy Jones
Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect - Even For "High Stakes" Testing by Dr. Dorothy Rich
Attention Teachers! Homogeneous is [not always] a bad word! by Janet Chapman
Dividing With a Difference by P R Guruprasad
A Primer for Teaching in the University by Bikika T. Laloo
Bits and Pieces - Various Small Articles by The Teachers.Net Community
  • Chatboard Wisdom
  • Dictionary Skills Activity
  • Understanding Voice Control
  • Person of the Year
  • Snowperson Glyph
  • 100th Day Activities
  • January Columns
    January Regular Features
    January Informational Items
    Gazette Home Delivery:

    Best Sellers

    Teaching Reading and Writing with Word Walls (Grades K-3
    by Janiel M. Wagstaff

    $10.36 from
    More information


    50 Graphic Organizers for Reading, Writing & More (Grades 4-8)
    by Linda Irwin-DeVitis, Karen Bromley, Marcia Modlo

    $10.47 from
    More information


    Teacher Feature...

    H.O.T.S. Activities for Use With the Classroom Word Wall
    (H.O.T.S. = Higher Order Thinking Skills)

    Posted by Michelle Stankevicius
    on the Teachers.Net Grade Three Mailring
    Teachers.Net Mailrings

    I went to a workshop this summer about the importance of teaching our students HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills).

    One activity that I learned is called "List, Group, Label." This activity increases students exposure to vocabulary, forces them to define their rules or categories for their lists and has them working on the skill of classification which is important to learning higher order thinking skills.

    Have students study the words on your word wall and make up four different groups of words. Then they read one of their lists aloud. The rest of the students must guess what category the words belong to (or what the rule is for those words). For example, let's say that I read my list of words and they were "...achieving, jumping, running, skipping..." The rest of the class must guess that these are all action words or verbs. Another example might be ", cat, bird, armadillo..." (names of animals).

    A "concept wheel" is another graphic organizer you can use to allow students to build meaning for themselves. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Divide the circle into four parts. Make copies for each student. In the first box, the child writes the word from the word wall that they would like to understand better. In the second box they brainstorm a list of words that they think of when they hear the word in the first box. In the third box is the formal definition of the word (look up in the dictionary or an encyclopedia). The fourth box is the definition in the child's own words. It really goes along with the constructivist theory that children learn best when they "construct" meaning of words on their own.

    Click here for a printable copy of the Concept Wheel.

    Related Article Word Wall Tips

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