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Turkey Glyph
from JenSue
I do this with 1st and 2nd graders. I use tracers. We graph the info when we are done and do creative writing assignments.
Give each student a copy of the turkey image. Instruct them to color the image according to the following;
I like dark meat - dark brown
I like light meat - light brown
I don't like turkey - white
We will have guests for Thanksgiving - dark brown
We won't have guests for Thanksgiving - light brown
I'm staying home for Thanksgiving - yellow
I'm going away for Thanksgiving - red
We will eat in the kitchen - yellow
We will eat in the dining room - orange
I like gravy - red
I don't like gravy - orange
I will eat dessert - black
I won't eat dessert - white
Use all that are true about you
I like cranberries - red
I like green beans - green
I like corn - yellow
I like stuffing - brown
I like mashed potatoes - white
I like rolls - blue
I like pumpkin pie - orange
When the coloring is finished, have the students take turns displaying their glyph while the others decipher it.

click the image for the printable file
Alphabet Book
from Mary Miehl
This Alphabet Book is formatted to be printed back to back in landscape orientation. After printing, it is folded in half and stapled. Each student pastes or draws pictures on the right hand page that represents the sound of the letter that is on the left hand page.
Through making the book and reading it frequently, the students learn to make letter symbol to sound associations that he/she will apply during reading and writing work.

Alphabet Chart
from Mary Miehl
Each student can keep a copy of this chart handy as an aide for quick reference during reading and writing activities.
