Post: NYSTCE Score Delay


    Posted on 3/19/15
    () Comments

    Hello - I am just here to see if anyone else is in a similar situation. I am
    currently seeking my certification in students with disabilities, which I was
    hoping to have by June. However, I am still waiting on my score for the new
    NYSTCE exams.

    All I am being told is that they are being delayed because "Passing
    standards need to be established" and that there is no other information
    available at this time.

    These new tests were rolled out in September. It is now almost April and
    they still do not have this determined. Poor planning in my opinion.

    They are saying Spring 2015 but I just called NYSTCE and the women told
    me it could extended even longer.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • NYSTCE Score Delay, 3/19/15, by Danielle.
  • Re: NYSTCE Score Delay, 3/21/15, by Mel.