Post: Renewal Schools
    Posted by: Anonymous Teacher on 3/28/15
    () Comments

    I am teacher at a school that recently was recently
    designated a renewal school by Mayor DeBlasio. I am also up
    for tenure. This past Friday our school had "interviews"
    for special teachers it appears they want to hire back:
    this was really a joke; it was mostly very young teachers
    that they interviewed and the pets of the principal. I just
    want to know what will happen if I am not hired back. Will
    I lose my job altogether or would I be excessed? I was
    effectively rated last year. This year hasn't been the
    greatest but I think that was deliberate.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Renewal Schools, 3/28/15, by Anonymous Teacher.
  • Re: Renewal Schools, 4/01/15, by anonymous.