Post: New TESOL teacher


    Posted on 11/16/15
    () Comments


    I will be graduating in the spring with a Masters in TESOL.
    I'm a little worried because I don't have any experience
    teaching in USA. I'm from Peru and I have a bachelors in
    Foreign languages education (English, Spanish and Italian)
    and 4 years teaching experience in Peru. Right now I have a
    good job in something completely different. I have a
    management position in retail but I really miss teaching so
    I'm planning to quit my current job as soon as I graduate
    with my Masters, I want to start working in the schools.
    I've heard so many stories of teachers being unhappy working
    in the DOE that it freaks me out. Also, I'm not sure if the
    degree I'm about to have will be enough for me to get hired.
    I would love to continue my education with a Doctorate in
    Education of TESOL, but I'm afraid I will have to do a
    second masters in something else just to be more competitive
    in the hiring part.

    Can somebody give me any advice?



    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • New TESOL teacher, 11/16/15, by Lizbeth.
  • Re: New TESOL teacher, 11/24/15, by Jessica .