Post: Asburgers Nephew
    Posted by: Confused on 6/07/16
    () Comments

    My sister is raising two boys ages 9 and 5. So far, no
    issues with the 5 but her oldest was diagnosed with
    asburgers. On top of this, she is divorced and receives
    only monetary and health benefits from their father. He is
    not involve at all and that is where I come in. I take them
    out on the weekends to do "guy things" and to give my sister
    a break. I am also the one who repairs the car, fixes things
    around the apartment, and backs her up. I am also dating a
    nice lady who is involved with the boys too. My nephew's
    problems are he can get demanding when he wants something
    and he has to have at that moment-not in a few minutes, not
    tomorrow, now. He also gets upset at thunder and lightning
    and storms. He has no friends as he tends to be very
    selfish. Now comes this past Sunday. Right after church, I
    found out my girlfriend's mother was hospitalized and she
    asked me to driver her there. I said I would without
    hesitation and when I called and told my sister, she was
    upset. Not because of this sudden illness but because it
    would be a problem for her son. I know what she means and
    have seen it happen too often. But what will it take for him
    to realize that the world does not revolve around him and
    disappointments are part of life. I said we would go another
    time. What can I do?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Asburgers Nephew, 6/07/16, by Confused.
  • Re: Asburgers Nephew, 6/07/16, by SPED Teacher.