Post: Agency/tutoring work


    Posted on 7/23/16
    () Comments

    Hi there!
    I'm have been teaching special Ed for about 11 years. I currently teach in a
    special Ed private school. I have been talking to agencies such as blue sea
    and tutoring for life that do home instruction cases as well as tutoring
    agencies. I am in the beginning of my first pregnancy and am seriously
    considering doing this type of agency work and tutoring instead of going
    back to my private school in September. It can be a very stressful work
    environment and I really would like a change. I know it'll be a pay cut but I
    am also concerned that with my grade 1-6 certifications (regular, special
    Ed, and literacy) I won't get enough work from these agencies. So far they
    can't guarantee anything , they will call me when they have cases. Does
    anyone else do agency/ tutoring work exclusively with my certifications?
    Any suggestions of other agencies that I should look into other than what I
    listed above? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Agency/tutoring work, 7/23/16, by Jackie.