Post: Sub para in brooklyn(no calls)


    Posted on 10/12/16
    () Comments

    Hello I was wondering if any new sub paras have been receiving jobs this
    school year. I haven't been called in yet for any jobs and was wondering if
    this is the same for others as well. I have no other job and can't get another
    job since I go to school. I honestly don't know what to do since I'm living off
    my savings and it won't last for long. Also I wanted to know if its true that
    the school that nominated you owes u 20 days to work there if you haven't
    been receiving jobs

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Sub para in brooklyn(no calls) , 10/12/16, by Erica .
  • Re: Sub para in brooklyn(no calls) , 10/13/16, by Toni.
  • Re: Sub para in brooklyn(no calls) , 10/13/16, by Evelyn.
  • Re: Sub para in brooklyn(no calls) , 10/19/16, by Shirley.