Post: TExES Math/Physics versus Physics
    Posted by: PsyGuy on 5/27/14
    () Comments

    There is no pure physics certification in Texas. The closest we have is
    physical science which is still physics and chemistry. What a principal looks
    for is flexibility, so the science 7-12 is going to be the most marketable, not
    because there is really any demand for life science (biology) but because
    there are a number of esoteric courses that you can teach with it, and
    principals loath hiring a pure life science teacher.

    Difficulty wise the science 7-12 is the most diversified test so has the
    smallest representation of actual physics items. I don't know your science
    background but if your a math person and don't know any real science, in
    the hopes that some portion of the physics questions will be applied math
    type problems, take the physical science/math/engineering exam. Texas
    has no actual engineering classes and the ones they do are more industrial
    arts. The engineering portion if the exam is almost all applied math in the
    form if electronic circuits (compute the resistance, etc).

    On 5/27/14, Ryan wrote:
    > Hi there, I am already certified in math 8-12 and have 4
    > years of experience but planning to take on Physics. Taking
    > Math/Physics test is of course easier since it has less
    > physics, but how does a hiring principal looks at it? Does
    > he/she prefer one that has taken TExES Physics because it
    > has more depth? Any help or tips would be very much appreciated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • TExES Math/Physics versus Physics, 5/27/14, by PsyGuy.