Post: Trouble ahead for Texas Teachers
    Posted by: The Grim Reaper on 1/29/15
    () Comments

    Let's just cut to the chase.

    The legislature is in session this year, and the big
    scuttlebutt around the capitol is that TJJD (the Texas
    juvenile prison system) is on the chopping block, hook,
    line, and sinker. That's right - they want to make it
    disappear completely.

    So, what does that mean for Texas teachers? Well, TJJD
    has been whittled down over the years to five units that
    contain only the most extreme and violent offenders
    including murderers, rapists, and all sorts of other
    young perverts and capital offenders. The special ed
    population of TJJD is about 48 to 50 percent. If TJJD
    closes (and, I have it on VERY GOOD authority that it
    will), that means that some of the older youth will be
    sent on ahead to big-boy prison, and your local city and
    county jail system will be be stuck with the rest of
    these little darlings, and those yet to come. And, they
    will have to be educated by the local school districts.
    (Remember what "FAPE" means?)

    Oh, I know some of you are going to say: "I work in an
    inner city school and have dealt with the worst." Well,
    let me tell you I have dealt with these kids first hand,
    and you have no idea of the crap storm that is coming
    your way. These are violent capital offenders. Some of
    these kids have raped and/or killed people. Some of them
    have raped and/or killed family members. Some are
    certifiably insane, and, will jump up and expose
    themselves in class every chance they get. I firmly
    expect to see assaults on teachers go waaay up because
    the districts will be ill-prepared to deal with these

    My advice to you is that you better start making noise
    about this RIGHT NOW. Make other teachers aware that
    there is a real chance this will happen. Get on the horn
    to your teacher org reps.

    If you sit back and do nothing and this happens, you will
    get what you deserve.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Trouble ahead for Texas Teachers, 1/29/15, by The Grim Reaper.