Post: Rules for Administrators???
    Posted by: CiciNParadise on 2/04/15
    () Comments

    We have a new administrator over our department this year. She told one of my
    teachers she would be doing her observation the first week of new classes. I
    thought there were some weeks right before and after major holidays and
    schedule changes when teachers couldn't be observed. That being said, she
    didn't come at all during the window indicated. She came the following week,
    when a much delayed trip to the computer lab was scheduled. The teacher, more
    than a week later, still hasn't gotten a copy of the report. Aren't there rules in
    place for administrators to follow?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Rules for Administrators???, 2/04/15, by CiciNParadise.
  • Re: Rules for Administrators???, 2/14/15, by PsyGuy.