Post: MANDATORY After-school tutorials for all
    Posted by: anon on 9/04/16
    () Comments

    IS THIS NORMAL OR IS IT EXCESSIVE? We have one high school in our town. For
    the past few years the principal has mandated after-school tutorials for all
    students, regardless of their grades or academic standings. These tutorials
    follow the normal school day (8:00-3:40) and in actuality extend it until 4:10.
    My understanding is that most students work on their laptops (all students have
    school-issued laptops 24/7) on computer programs that practice for the STAAR
    or EOC exams. Remember, this is for EVERY student, even if they have straight
    A's. My question is: How do they get by with what amounts to making the
    school day for all Jr and Sr High students longer? Is there not some sort of
    rule/law/policy that would limit the number of hours the school can require
    students to be in attendance? Some students have athletics beginning at 7:10
    a.m., which would mean that their school day is 9 hours long! Then, they may
    have other school-related activities such as clubs, homework, etc. This school
    also has night detentions from 6-9pm (all on computer programs, I think). I
    don't know if teachers are required to be there for the after-school mandatory
    time (one would assume so). I think the principal monitors the night-time
    detentions himself. Is this normal for all Jr/Sr high schools in Texas, or is this

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • MANDATORY After-school tutorials for all, 9/04/16, by anon.
  • Re: MANDATORY After-school tutorials for all, 9/05/16, by Paris.
  • Re: MANDATORY After-school tutorials for all, 9/05/16, by Thanks, Paris..a bit more...Oldie.