Post: Which secondary year group to pitch after school club to


    Posted on 7/23/15
    () Comments

    Hi. I would like to run a after school club, which would
    involve children going on the trips. Originally I wished to
    pitch this for year twelves, but was told they are to
    stretched. when I mentioned year elevens I was told that
    they have exams and it would be too much for them. When I
    mentioned year ten, I was told that year twelve would be
    much better as they are more mature and haven't got exams
    till the final year!!
    I have no experience with secondary schools, only primary,
    and would appreciate any insight or advice.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Which secondary year group to pitch after school club to, 7/23/15, by Sofie.
  • Re: Which secondary year group to pitch after school club to, 8/12/15, by Novel.