Letters to the Editor...
Space Sciences
Space Sciences can play an important role in shaping up our future on this planet. Cheap, easy, all in one and trustwothy interactive device like PDA can promote international understsnding among nations. 2 to 3 % of Asia and Africa is online today. Situation is not encouraging even in Europe and USA. PCs, Telephone and Internet facilities are very expensive. Uneducated leadership on local, national and international level is responsible for this dismal situation. Let scientific community come forward to help common man enjoy the fruits of human wisdom.
M. SHAH JAHAN BHATTI, ittaskforce@whoswhosociety.net,
This month's letters:
Pre school job vacancies in New Zealand, 4/30/03, by Sara Foster.
letter, 4/23/03, by jayakumar b.
SARS, 4/22/03, by Dolo.
Middle School Language Arts Chatboard, 4/19/03, by Jessica.
DRA-Developmental Reading Assessment, 4/13/03, by Sue Lloyd.
Space Sciences, 4/12/03, by M. SHAH JAHAN BHATTI.
Children's Research & Development Center, 4/07/03, by Nancy.