Network with other teachers to plan and adapt lessons to meet the students' needs.
Define work in specific, short-term goals that can help children associate effort with success.
Assist students in seeing that failure is not usually due to lack of ability but to ineffective study habits.
Teach children helpful study and time management skills.
Help children understand that it is not always easy to develop proficiency in a subject; it takes time and effort.
Make expectations clear and provide feedback and credit for work well done.
Refrain from offering nonspecific praise for little effort (see past article, Effective Praise).
Never embarrass or ridicule a child.
Assign homework that is specific to the educational needs of the child.
Expect low-performing children to accomplish achievable tasks.
Enhance the status of "doing one's best" and provide group recognition for effort and/or excellence.
Emphasize cooperation rather then competition; support opportunities for students to help one another.
Assist children in dealing with frustrations by helping them discover ways to cope with problems.
Provide the opportunity for all children to lead a classroom activity.
Avoid practices that discourage student initiative. Instead of offering help when none is requested or giving the answer, ask questions that encourage thought and offer suggestions of how to find a solution.
Use tangible rewards sparingly. Keep in mind that they may negatively effect children's pursuit of learning for pure pleasure.
Provide intangible rewards for unusual student effort or success. For example, a child may receive extra computer time, choose a book to be read to the class, assist the librarian, lead a class game, or eat lunch with the teacher.
Remember that many low-achieving students deny the importance of studying and stop working to avoid the shame of having tried and failed.
Understand that when students refuse to begin or complete their work, or copy from another child, they may be doing so to protect their self-image (see past article, Understanding Self-Esteem).
Establish a close working relationship with parents of children who are struggling. Together determine ways to provide a routine, decrease distractions, and help their child acquire good study habits at home (see, Guidelines for Educator-Parent Conferences).
Encourage parents to assist their child in forming healthy habits such as getting enough rest, eating well and exercising so that they will be ready to learn at school (see past article, Overweight Children).
Realize that no teacher is perfect or does everything well. Discover your strengths (see past article, Coping With Stress -- Tips for Educators), learn from your mistakes, and concentrate on doing your best.

About Leah Davies...

Leah Davies received her Master's Degree from the Department of Counseling and Counseling Psychology, Auburn University. She has been dedicated to the well-being of children for 44 years as a certified teacher, counselor, prevention specialist, parent, and grandparent. Her professional experience includes teaching, counseling, consulting, instructing at Auburn University, and directing educational and prevention services at a mental health agency.
Besides the Kelly Bear materials, Leah has written articles that have appeared in The American School Counseling Association Counselor, The School Counselor, Elementary School Guidance and Counseling Journal, Early Childhood News, and National Head Start Association Journal. She has presented workshops at the following national professional meetings: American School Counselor Association; Association for Childhood Education International; National Association for the Education of Young Children; National Child Care Association; National Head Start Association; National School-Age Child Care Alliance Conference.
Dedicated to Helping Children Thrive

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