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Volume 3 Number 8

Harry & Rosemary Wong remind us that, "An induction program is an organized, sustained, multiyear process with many activities designed to help you succeed...."
Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Featured Schools
Two - In August poems
The Lighter Side of Teaching
  • YENDOR'S Top Ten
  • Genius At Play by Goose
  • Schoolies
  • Woodhead
  • Handy Teacher Recipes
    Classroom Crafts
    Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
    "Wonderful Watermelon Unit" from the Lesson Bank by Addie Gaines
    Upcoming Ed Conferences
    Letters to the Editor
    Teachers.Net Survey Chatboard Poll: Weird Things Teachers Do
    They Said That About Me! by Lennette Holden
    Monthly Themed Bulletin Board by Bubba~Sue 1st grade
    August Columns
    August Articles
    August Informational Items
    Gazette Home Delivery:


    In August

    FROM the great trees the locusts cry
    In quavering ecstatic duo--a boy
    Shouts a wild call--a mourning dove
    In the blue distance sobs--the wind
    Wanders by, heavy with odors
    Of corn and wheat and melon vines;
    The trees tremble with delirious joy as the breeze
    Greets them, one by one--now the oak
    Now the great sycamore, now the elm.

    And the locusts in brazen chorus, cry
    Like stricken things, and the ring-dove's note
    Sobs on in the dim distance.

    Hamlin Garland

    In August

    HEAT urges secret odors from the grass.
    Blunting the edge of silence, crickets shrill.
    Wings veer: inane needles of light, and pass.
    Laced pools: the warm wood-shadows ebb and fill.
    The wind is casual, loitering to crush
    The sun upon his palate, and to draw
    Pungence from pine, frank fragrances from brush,
    Sucked up through thin grey boughs as through a straw.

    Moss-green, fern-green and leaf and meadow-green
    Are broken by the bare, bone-colored roads,
    Less moved by stirring air than by unseen
    Soft-footed ants and meditative toads.
    Summer is passing, taking what she brings:
    Green scents and sounds, and quick ephemeral wings.

    Babette Deutsch

