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Volume 3 Number 12

Eric Carle said, "I long dreamt of a museum for children and families," and now his dream has come true...
Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Featured Schools
Classroom Photos by Members of the Teachers.Net Community
December Poem
Morning Chorus by Zheljko Stanimirovic
The Lighter Side of Teaching
  • Classroom Chuckles
  • Twinkie Tweaking by Goose
  • YENDOR'S Top Ten
  • Schoolies
  • Woodhead
  • Handy Teacher Recipes
    Classroom Crafts
    Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
    Collaboration Collage from the Lesson Bank
    Printable Gingerbread Figure for Take-Home Project
    Kindergarten Christmas Vocabulary Enrichment, Predictable Text Book
    2003 Calendars
    Upcoming Ed Conferences
    Letters to the Editor
    Unexpected Appreciation by Tina in Texas, A Special Smile by Peg, Dry Socks He Wore on His Heart by Jeanne
    Tracking? Does it make some kids feel dumb?
    December Columns
    December Articles
    December Informational Items
    Gazette Home Delivery:

    About Handy Teacher Recipes...

    If you have a favorite recipe that would be of particular interest to fellow teachers, please consider sending it to

    Best Sellers

    Gingerbread Houses for Kids
    by Jennifer A. Ericsson, Beth L. Blair (Illustrator)

    $14.95 from
    More information


    Cajun Gingerbread Boy
    by Berthe Amoss (Illustrator)

    $13.95 from
    More information


    Gingerbread for All Seasons
    by Teresa Layman, Randy O'Rourke (Photographer)

    $14.50 from
    More information


    Handy Teacher Recipes
    by The Teachers.Net Community

    Cinnamon Applesauce Dough Ornaments


    • 1 1/2 cups ground cinnamon
    • 1 cup applesauce (store bought works best)
    • 1/3 cup white school glue (Elmer's or other brand)

    Mix the ingredients together until a dough forms.

    Knead for a few minutes.

    Roll out to 1/8 or 1/4 inch thick. (If sticky, dust your hands and rolling pin with cinnamon, work on waxed paper.)

    Use cookie cutters or other implements to cut out the shapes you desire.

    Cut out a hole at the top of each with a drinking straw so you'll be able to thread a ribbon or string (for hanging) when dry.

    It takes 4 or 5 days for the ornaments to air dry. You should turn them over frequently so they will dry evenly and won't curl.

    You can outline each shape with puffy paint to make them more special.

    from Kathleen Carpenter

    Cinnamon Applesauce Dough recipe #2


    • 1 cup store-bought applesauce
    • 1 cup ground cinnamon

    Mix ingredients, knead, roll out and cut out shapes with cookie cutters.

    Use a drinking straw to form a hole at top before drying.

    After dry (in about two days depending upon temperature and humidity in the room), you can craft paint details and thread a ribbon or other tie through the hole for hanging.

    Note: While drying, flip over occasionally so the ornaments will not curl up.

    from Kathleen Carpenter
    Gingerbread Playdough


    • 1 cup flour
    • 1/2 cup salt
    • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
    • Lots of cinnamon, allspice, ginger, nutmeg (The spices should turn the mixture brown like gingerbread, but you can also add red and green food coloring to develop a brown color.)

    Mix the dry ingredients. Play with the spices until you get the scent and color you want. Mix the water and oil together first THEN add to the dry ingredients and stir.

    Cook the mixture over medium heat for two or three minutes, stirring constantly until the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the pan and clump together.

    Take the dough out of the pan and knead it until smooth.

    Store in closed container.

    from Kathleen Carpenter

    This is the real thing. Serve warm with whipped cream for a special holiday treat. Happy holidays!

    To make one loaf:


    • 2 cups sifted flour
    • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon ginger
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
    • 1/2 cup melted butter
    • 1 cup molasses (unsulfured, NOT blackstrap)
    • 1 egg
    • 1/2 cup buttermilk
    • 1/4 cup hot water

    Mix all wet ingredients.

    Sift together all dry ingredients and add to the wet ingredients. Wisk the mixture to mix until there are no lumps.

    Bake in a greased and floured loaf pan at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.

    from Kathleen Carpenter
    Rudolph Sandwiches

    Cut a piece of bread in half crosswise to form 2 triangles.
    (I give the children plastic knives to do their own work.)
    Spread each half with peanut butter.
    Use pretzels for the antlers.
    Place a marachino cherry for nose (on the pointed, crust angle)
    Use raisins for the eyes.

    from the Second Grade Mailring

    Send your favorite recipes to
