Letters to the Editor...
I have an eight year old son. I've been told by several people including his teacher and family doctor that he has ADD. I am a teacher's aide so I am familar with the signs. I do think he is ADD. The doctor tried to put him on Concerta. My son would not/could not swallow the pill. We tried everything (putting in jello, ice cream and applesauce). We used a straw finally after nothing else would work. We were able to blow the pill down his throat 3 days in a row. He then put up a fight about that. We are so frustrated! How can we get him the help he needs? He will be in Third grade next year. I heard about a medicine called Focus Factor. It was on a paid advertisement commercial. Have you ever heard of this? If so, what do you know about it? From what I understand, there is a chewable. This would be fantastic! Please advise me. I am desperate to help my son! Sincerely, Beth Thrasher Hoopeston Area Schools Illinois
Beth Thrasher, thrasher@soltec.net,
This month's letters:
ADD, 5/30/01, by Beth Thrasher.
Parochial/Private School Chatboard, 5/29/01, by Wondering.
Alternative Education, 5/22/01, by Gary Chance(woodbutcher).
Cover story by the Wongs, 5/20/01, by Tom Kelly.
Job Hunting, 5/16/01, by Heather Barrick.
ESL Students, 5/16/01, by tom harrison.
Censorship, 5/15/01, by Robert Zimmerman.