Teacher Feature...
Pupil Personality Profile
by P R Guruprasad
In 1998, I was principal of a high school in a town in Andhra Pradesh, India. The school was situated a little away from the humdrum of the town life. The people were friendly and the school management conducive. The school itself was a great place to work in. It was a K-8 middle school. Like all my staff, I too enjoyed spending time with kids out in the playground, tea breaks etc., and those occasional moments, when I would put on a casual hat. The Kindergarten section was adjacent to my work place. This meant frequent pleasant disturbances, which contributed to better work performance [indeed children's lullaby and babblings are sweet music]! Occasionally there would be unpleasantness, shouts, screams etc. from children. Though the teachers and caretakers were very kind, they were helpless at times.
This article outlines as to how, at the time, I developed the following profile. I don't claim the profile to be professionally designed, but one which I, my colleagues and parents realized to be of use such that the child is guided psychologically, socio-economically academically.
Click the image to obtain a printable copy of this two page Profile.
Advantages of the PPP:
- The sheet can be sent to parents along with the academic progress report cards and feedback invited from them. This can lead to parent teacher collaboration towards desired objectives.
- It can help the teacher in sociometric streaming.
- It can help when assigning responsibilities for instance in school choir, drama club, humour club etc. where each child's talents, skills and attitudes are of great importance.
- It can help the teachers and the parents to diagnose the difficulties and take remedial action in personality problems including complexes.
- Section D can help in getting into academic trouble shooting in the light of kid's attitudes, an `iceberg', which often gets unnoticed.
*CCA is Co-Curricular Activities - Debates, Group Discussions, Role play etc.
**ECA are Extra-Curricular Activites and include Music, Arts [Performing as well as Visual].
[This profile is not expected to be used for ranking and streaming of children].
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