Letters to the Editor...
US Teachers- Elections Quickly Approaching
As you, my fellow colleagues, are all aware, the elections are quickly approaching. I urge all of you to urge your students' parents in your weekly newsletters this week or in any conferences or contacts, to make sure they are registered to vote. I know we aren't allowed to wear political buttons to work but if I have been asked by anyone, I am quick to show them what each candidate has stated about education and what they want for the future of our state or country. My opinions might play a role but I just show them the facts which have been stated by the candidates themselves. Personally, I know in my state, our whole state of education will drastically change if a particular candidate is elected. Check out what is going on in your own state. Urge your students' parents to register. Encourage them to vote in November. Find out what your candidates are standing for, especially in education.
This month's letters:
fund raising ideas, 10/08/00, by Anna.
US Teachers- Elections Quickly Approaching, 10/08/00, by eimmik.