Volume 3 Number 10

"Everybody loves hummingbirds, and they are wonderful tools to excite students about learning."

That quote from a classroom teacher is the basic premise of Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project...

Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Featured Schools
October Poem
Frost at Midnight
The Lighter Side of Teaching
  • IEPs According to Dr. Suess
  • Soda Pop Lawyers by Goose
  • YENDOR'S Top Ten
  • Schoolies
  • Woodhead
  • Handy Teacher Recipes
    Classroom Crafts
    Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
    Harvest/Pumpkin Poems and Songs from the Lesson Bank
    Tic-Tac-Toe Homework from Jennifer Poe & Literature Circle Role Sheets from Donna Baker
    Upcoming Ed Conferences
    Letters to the Editor
    Trouble in Little Texas by Rhonda Henson, This is the Kind Of Moment I Live For by Bill T 7 NC, Random Act of Kindness Today by MaryB, and MORE...
    Least Restrictive Environment -- For All, Ward or Intensive Care? from Teachers.Net Chatboard
    October Columns
    October Articles
    October Informational Items
    Gazette Home Delivery:

    About My School...

    School buildings around the country, and the world, are often unique in appearance from one region to the other...influenced by local culture and climate. In each issue of the Gazette we will post pictures of various school buildings submitted by our readers. If you would like us to publish a picture of the school in which you work, send a clear digital photo of your school to editor@teachers.net. Include your name, the name and location of the school, and any other information that might be of interest concerning your school. If your school district has a web site, feel free to include the url.

    Best Sellers

    Building Type Basics for Elementary and Secondary Schools
    by L. Bradford Perkins

    $70.00 from Amazon.com
    More information


    Architecture of Schools: The New Learning Environments
    by Mark Dudek

    $69.99 frm Amazon.com
    More information


    Design Standards for Children's Environments
    by Linda Cain Ruth

    $41.97 from Amazon.com
    More information


    Teacher Feature

    by The Teachers.Net Community

    Featured Schools

    "Thank you!" to those who have provided photos and information about their schools. We hope those whose schools are featured here will alert their colleagues and school administrators so they, too, can enjoy their 15 mintues of fame!

    Mahala F. Atchison School
    961 Sycamore Avenue
    Tinton Falls, N.J.
    Pre-school-grade 3
    Submitted by Lorraine Eberhardt, Kindergarten

    Voluntown Elementary School
    Voluntown, Ct
    Grades Pre-K - 8
    Submitted by Anastacia Seuferling, Grade 1

    Midland Academy
    Midland, GA
    K - 5
    Submitted by Stephanie Wright, 2nd Grade

    Rabun Gap Community School
    Rabun Gap, Georgia
    K - 3
    Submitted by Rhonda Henson

    Browse through the current discussions in the Mentor Center...

