09/01 | NBPTS Exceptional Needs Certification Chat. Sponsored by Apples 'n' Acorns http://www.applesandacorns@aol.com
09/02 | 4 pmE-NBPTS EC-Gen Certification Chat. Visit the NBPTS Early Childhood Generalist Chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/ec-gen
09/03 | 4pmE-Grade 2 Teachers Chat. THEN at 8pmE-Fourth Grade Teachers Chat. No moderator, open chat. The Upper Elementary Chatboard is at http://teachers.net/mentors/upper_elementary
09/04 | Labor Day - No Event Today. Coming in October: Distinguished guests/authors Bobbi Fisher - The Teacher Book: Finding Personal and Professional Balance AND Alfie Kohn - The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools
09/05 | Early Childhood/Primary Chat. Moderator: Debbie Heck. Visit the Early Childhood Chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/early_childhood and Primary Chatboard http://teachers.net/primary_elementary
09/06 | Brain Based Learning Theory Chat. Moderator: Kim/NC. The BBL Chatboard http://teachers.net/mentors/bcl
09/07 | Special Education Teachers Chat. Moderator: Randy/TN. Visit the Special Education Chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/special_education
09/08 | NBPTS Exceptional Needs Certification Candidates' Chat. General chatboard for elementary and secondary National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification candidates http://teachers.net/mentors/es-gen
09/09 | 4 pmE-NBPTS Early Childhood-Generalist Candidates' Chat. NBPTS Early Childhood Generalist Candidates' Chatboard: http://teachers.net/mentors/ec-gen
09/10 | 4 pmE-Gr. 2 Teachers' Chat THEN at 8pmE-Fourth Grade Teachers Chat. Teachers of all grade levels can subscribe to e-mail discussion groups, known as mailrings, at http://teachers.net/mailrings
09/11 | Reading Recovery Teachers Chat. Moderator: Mary/PA. The Remedial Reading and Reading Recovery Chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/remedial_reading/ is just one part of the English Center http://teachers.net/english/
09/12 | Early Childhood/Primary Teachers Chat. Transcripts of past sessions are a treasure trove of information, ideas, activities. Look for the EC/Primary section of http://teachers.net/archive
09/13 | 7pmE-Retired Teachers Chat. THEN at 9pmE: Teachers of multi-age groups. The Multi-Age Classroom Chatboard is open and available at http://teachers.net/mentors/multiage/
09/14 | Student & Beginning Teachers Chat. Sponsored by Inspiring Teachers http://www.inspiringteachers..com
09/15 | NBPTS Exceptional Needs Certification Chat. Visit the NBPTS Elementary-Secondary chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/es-gen
09/16 | 4 pmE-NBPTS EC-Gen Chat. Visit the NBPTS Early Childhood Generalist Chatboard at http://teachers.net/mentors/ec-gen
09/17 | At 4pmE-Teachers of Gr. 2. THEN at 8pmE-Fourth Grade Teachers Chat
09/18 | Substitute Teachers Chat Moderator/Mentor: Janet/AR, former substitute teacher, currently teaching grade four.
09/19 | EC/Primary Teachers Read transcripts of past chats at http://teachers.net/archive
09/20 | Elementary/Middle Grade Teachers Chat
09/21 | Working With the Sight Impaired Student
09/22 | NBPTS Exceptional Needs Certification Chat
09/23 | 4pmE-NBPTS EC-Gen Certification Chat
09/24 | At 4pm-Gr. 2 Teachers, THEN at 8pmE Fourth Grade Teachers Chat
09/25 | Reading Recovery Teachers Chat
09/26 | Early Childhood/Primary Teachers Chat
09/27 | 8pmE-Teachers of the Gifted and Talented THEN at 9pmE Secondary Humanities Teachers Chat
09/28 | 8pmE-Librarians/Media Specialists Chat THEN 9pmE-4-Blocks Chat
09/29 | NBPTS Exceptional Needs Certification Chat
09/30 | 4pmE-NBPTS EC-Gen. Certification Chat