Teacher Feature...
A Word Wall Story
by Louise/2/Albuquerque
from the 4blocks Mailring
I want to share something that happened in my class with the word wall this year. It was Monday, and I was introducing the five new words for the week.
As I introduce the words, I write them on pieces of sentence strip, talking about the formation of the letters as we write. I cut around the shape of the words then, and attach them to colored construction paper strips. Then, while the children are copying their list into their homework agenda, I get the words ready for the word wall -- I put tape on the backs and lay them in a row, face down, on the front table. On this particular day, something or somebody interrupted us, and I had to talk to the class before putting the words up. I have a habit of perching myself on the edge of tables or desks when I'm talking to them, and when I turned around to face the word wall, they all burst into laughter. I had managed to sit on the word "beautiful" -- they will never forget the word, nor will they forget Ms. G. and her "beautiful butt!" The parents say they have heard this story at least twice a day ever since then, and it was funny the first dozen times.
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