Harry & Rosemary Wong say, "Establishing clear and precise classroom procedures and practicing, practicing, practicing them is the same in concept as to why sport teams drill and choirs rehearse." This month the Wongs offer more examples of successful classroom management....
Each month Marjan Glavac, professional speaker, teacher and author of The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web 2ND EDITION (Foreword by Dr. Harry Wong author of The First Days Of School) presents The Busy Educator's Monthly Five -- five websites for educators that are easy to read, simple to use and worthwhile to know.
Lesson Planning Sites Part 3
Here are five websites to help Busy Educators with their lesson planning.
AskERIC Lesson Plans
The AskEric Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1,100 lesson plans written by teachers. Browse the site by subject or search the entire collection.
The Academy Curriculum Exchange
700 K-12 lesson plans originally from the Columbia Education Center's Summer Workshops are hosted here.
CanTeach Resources for Educators
A well organized source of searchable elementary lesson plans, resources and links with a Canadian focus.
Cool Teaching Lessons and Units
Here's a resource for K-12 teachers who wish to find quality ready-made units and lessons for all subjects, or who wish to develop their own units.
Core Knowledge
Pre-K to 8 lesson plans and units developed by teachers in Core Knowledge schools and presented at recent national Core Knowledge conferences.
About Marjan Glavac...
Marjan Glavac (BA, BEd, MA) is a professional speaker, teacher and author. He has used computers in education on the very first day he began teaching in 1982. Since that time, he has introduced thousands of students K-University, parents and teachers to computer technology and to the Internet through online courses, websites, classroom lessons, workshops, speeches, articles, computer columns, newsletters and his latest best selling book, The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web 2ND EDITION (Foreword by Dr. Harry Wong author of The First Days Of School).
He is the recipient of the Roberta Bondar Award for Science and Technology; the NORTEL National Institute Award for Excellence in Teaching; the Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics, Science and Technology; the Roy C. Hill Award for educational innovation and the TVO Certificate of Merit.
His keynote Going Beyond The Rainbow (Or How To Be A Great Teacher) presents to the audience that "there are no boundaries for the journeys of the mind and that students, parents and teachers have both the brains and the courage to succeed as they journey on the technology brick road, especially with the help of the Internet. In this uplifting and motivational keynote, Marjan shows how good teachers can become great teachers.
Marjan is currently a gr.5 home room teacher at Wilfrid Jury Public School in London, Ontario, Canada where he resides with his wife Maria and their two children, Vanessa and Collin. He can be contacted by e-mail at or through his website at:
Best Sellers
The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web
by Marjan Glavac