Post: New Teacher- Work Schedule
    Posted by: Nina on 8/25/15
    () Comments

    I am beginning this year and will teach 3rd grade. I can
    hardly wait! I have 23 students and I am looking forward to
    a rewarding year of service. The drawback here is I am two
    and a half hours from my family. I will also be taking
    graduate classes on Friday nights and all day Saturday. I
    already have 12 grad hours. My Mom says she wants me to come
    home as often as I can and I promised I would get home at
    least once a month. She said that I need to be sure I take a
    day off a week and get enough to eat and sleep. That won't
    be easy. My mentor teacher said this is not realistic. She
    informed me to plan on working 7 days a week and with
    graduate courses doing more work. She even stated that I
    should explain this to my family and that even over holidays
    and long vacations I will need to be doing some work. There
    is a way I know. I know both my mentor and Mom are right.
    How do you folks do it?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • New Teacher- Work Schedule, 8/25/15, by Nina.
  • Re: New Teacher- Work Schedule, 8/26/15, by Zoe.
  • Re: New Teacher- Work Schedule, 8/28/15, by Jacqueline.