Re: TASB Summer Leadership review
    Posted by: AW on 7/18/14
    () Comments

    Are you a teacher or a school board member?

    I'm a science teacher so I go to CAST(in Dallas this year in
    November) and NSTA convention in the spring -- I think it is
    in Chicago this year -- so I won't be going :(. Generally I
    have to pay out of pocket, so you can count on these two
    being great conventions/conferences to go to. You do not
    have to be a teacher to go to these. And I can almost
    guarantee you will come home rejuvenated! :)

    (Almost forgot, there is also a mini-CAST in the spring, too.
    Smaller, but much cheaper.)

    I haven't gone in years, but middle school has their own
    conference as does the math -- these were good as well.

    On 7/17/14, One among you wrote:
    > I came home rather depressed after attending this year's TAS
    > B Summer Leadership Conference. If it had a theme it was "Ho
    > w to save our failing public school system." There were a co
    > uple of good presenters but overall the mood was panicky and
    > militant. One of the presenters praised districts that spen
    > d money on billboards to advertise their schools. In order t
    > o earn my hours I attend these TASB conferences but my exper
    > ience is that it is an organization that is not really dedic
    > ated to public education but simply self preservation of the
    > ir own interests, region service centers, and I might even s
    > ay they are trying to open the door for Common Core. Are the
    > re any board members that read this that could suggest anoth
    > er conference? I am not interested in earning hours through
    > TASB or an ESC. What else is available? I won't return to TA
    > SB and I was re-elected this year so I'm interested in findi
    > ng a better conference/way to earn my hours. Sticking your h
    > ead in the sand and pretending there aren't problems (STAAR,
    > the coming T-TESS, teacher protests and mass exiting) isn't
    > being proactive.
    > I would advise TASB to ask why students are leaving public e
    > ducation rather than ask taxpayers to spend money on billboa
    > rds. This Go Public Campaign just illustrates the problems t
    > hat are driving students into charter and private schools. I
    > would love for TASB to take a stand like NEA has against Ar
    > ne Duncan. How about TASB stand up and just say no.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/17/14, by One among you.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/18/14, by AW.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/18/14, by questions.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/27/14, by nichietx.