Re: TASB Summer Leadership review
    Posted by: nichietx on 7/27/14
    () Comments

    To add to what AW said, I have attended all
    the state level math, science, and social
    studies conferences. These are excellent
    conferences with useful information that
    can be easily implemented into the
    classroom. TEA updates are available at the
    Math and Science conferences as well. A
    good way to stay informed is to join the
    different TEA listserves.

    Just a side note, I was informed that a lot of
    Texas people helped in writing the national
    Science standards. It really makes lots of
    sense. Texas has to keep up with the rest of
    the country or our students would have
    been left behind. The new math TEKS are
    more challenging than the CCS. In the end,
    our students will become way more
    advanced than other students around the

    On 7/17/14, One among you wrote:
    > I came home rather depressed after
    attending this year's TAS
    > B Summer Leadership Conference. If it
    had a theme it was "Ho
    > w to save our failing public school
    system." There were a co
    > uple of good presenters but overall the
    mood was panicky and
    > militant. One of the presenters praised
    districts that spen
    > d money on billboards to advertise their
    schools. In order t
    > o earn my hours I attend these TASB
    conferences but my exper
    > ience is that it is an organization that is
    not really dedic
    > ated to public education but simply self
    preservation of the
    > ir own interests, region service centers,
    and I might even s
    > ay they are trying to open the door for
    Common Core. Are the
    > re any board members that read this that
    could suggest anoth
    > er conference? I am not interested in
    earning hours through
    > TASB or an ESC. What else is available? I
    won't return to TA
    > SB and I was re-elected this year so I'm
    interested in findi
    > ng a better conference/way to earn my
    hours. Sticking your h
    > ead in the sand and pretending there
    aren't problems (STAAR,
    > the coming T-TESS, teacher protests and
    mass exiting) isn't
    > being proactive.
    > I would advise TASB to ask why students
    are leaving public e
    > ducation rather than ask taxpayers to
    spend money on billboa
    > rds. This Go Public Campaign just
    illustrates the problems t
    > hat are driving students into charter and
    private schools. I
    > would love for TASB to take a stand like
    NEA has against Ar
    > ne Duncan. How about TASB stand up and
    just say no.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/17/14, by One among you.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/18/14, by AW.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/18/14, by questions.
  • Re: TASB Summer Leadership review, 7/27/14, by nichietx.