Re: Most Depressing In Service Ever
    Posted by: AGREE: teachers need more support on 9/04/16
    () Comments

    I believe the old adage that you can't fill your cup from an
    empty pitcher. What so many administrators don't seem to
    understand is that building their teachers' ego, self-image,
    confidence, moral is so much more beneficial than dumping a
    load of heavy responsibility, guilt, and sadness on them. I've sat
    through meetings like yours, where the admins seem to be
    trying to tell teachers that all the ills of the world are the
    responsibility of the teacher to address and fix. The truth is
    that while teachers can be supportive of kids in crisis, listening
    ears, shoulders to cry on, and points of contact for further
    help...the teacher's main role is that of teacher. Counseling,
    psychiatry, psychology, social work, etc., really should not be
    done by teachers unless they have their degrees in those areas
    as well and have hung their shingles outside their doors inviting
    clients. Administrators who want to put the guilt trip on their
    teachers are just trying to make teachers feel that there is no
    excuse when their efforts to educate students fail or fall short.
    When they make you feel like you are responsible for everything
    beyond the classroom, they erase all possibility of you ever
    being considered successful. They would do so much better to
    send you to your students feeling like you are a good teacher,
    have so much to offer, are so competent, are greatly
    appreciated, are trusted, and are a prize catch for your
    students! If they would fill your pitcher with a feeling of
    confidence in your success, then what you would pour into your
    students would be the same. Another old adage: Success
    begets success.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Most Depressing In Service Ever, 8/19/16, by FlibertyGibbet.
  • Re: Most Depressing In Service Ever, 9/04/16, by AGREE: teachers need more support.