Post: Junior Achievement Program


    Posted on 8/25/15
    () Comments

    Has anyone here ever had a Junior Achievement program in
    your class? I've posted a link to the Waterloo Region URL,
    because that's where I am, but there are JA programs across
    Canada. These programs are completely free! JA will send a
    trained volunteer who is a local professional to facilitate
    the program to your class.

    The JA programs teach financial literacy, workplace
    readiness, investing, and business studies. There are
    exciting games and activities to keep the kids engaged, and
    all you have to do is submit a request to have the program
    run in your class.

    If you've had one of these programs in your class in the
    past, please let me know what you thought of it. I'd love
    to hear from those who have experience with the programs.

    Junior Achievement

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Junior Achievement Program, 8/25/15, by Laura.