Post: After School Program Degree


    Posted on 11/08/15
    () Comments

    Hi all,
    I am looking to open an after school program in Ontario
    in the next couple of years. While I have a business
    degree and volunteer at an after school program each week
    - I don't have a degree related to education.

    I'm currently in the process of preparing my application
    to the OISE Masters of Teaching degree however, I was
    wondering if there are any other options for me. As the
    Masters of Teaching is a two year degree and focused on
    teaching in a classroom.

    I want to make sure I have the credibility and ability to
    develop an after school program curriculum but I'm not
    sure it's necessary to get a Masters of Teaching degree.

    Please advise!


    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • After School Program Degree, 11/08/15, by Emma.